Posts Tagged ‘Orlando’
“Really Engaging Course”
Great course! Really engaging and discussion oriented.
“Doug Shares Real-World Experiences”
Doug was obviously very knowledgeable, and shared many real-world experiences to anchor points and lessons. Team discussions and exercises helped cement practices and ideas.
“Thank You! Very Enlightening”
Knew very little about Scrum when we started. Refreshing to find out it's about people over process. Thank you! Very enlightening.
“Loved The Examples”
Loved the examples on day 2 on how it is/was used in other places, whether that was positive or negative. Was worried on day 1 as I wasn't sure how I'd be able to implement on my job.
“Great Introduction To Scrum”
This was a great introduction to Scrum! It was helpful to have the simulations and have an idea of real-world application.
“Great Course, Realistic”
Great course. Realistic to apply in the "real-world".
“Instructor Is Well Informed”
Overall the class was great! The instructor is well informed and experienced.
“Class Was Awesome”
I found this class to be awesome. Other than self study, I am a novice at this. The material was presented in an understandable conversational manner.